Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics

Adjunct Faculty


The divergence of translational control for stress-responsive gene expression between wild and domesticated tomatoes

Associate Professor

Professional Specialty:Geriatric mental health, Neuropsychology, Clinical psychology Mental health and health care


Professional Specialty:Neuroscience, Computer Science, Physiology, Informatics, Translational Medicine


Professional Specialty: Bioremediation; Horizontal Gene Transfer


Professional Specialty:Molecular Enzymology; Protein Sciences

Assistant Professor

Professional Specialty: Genetics & Developmental Biology, Signal Transduction


Professional Specialty:Bioinformatics,Biochemistry,Molecular Biology


Professional Specialty:Evolutionary Genomics,Molecular Evolution,Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Adjunct Associate Professor

Research Interests: Minimally Invasive Thoracoscopic Surgery, Single-hole Thoracoscopic Surgery, Laser Guided 3D Thoracoscopic Surgery.

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Bioinformatics

Adjunct Associate Professor

Research Interests: Obstructive Respiratory Disease, Asthma, Lung Tumor, Lung Infection

Visiting Professor

Research Interests: Chinese Computer, Paleontology and Paleochemistry

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Division of Chest Medicine,medicine.